One of the more interesting drought resistant trees is the arborvitae. There are several different species including the Eastern Arborvitae and the Western Red Cedar, although the arborvitae is not a true cedar. The University of Massachusetts lists the Eastern Arborvitae as being particularly tolerant.


Arborvitaes are evergreen trees and are small with flattened branchlets. These tough trees are known to be very resistant to drought conditions and will often remain green long after other trees have succumb to drought conditions. Landscapers love the arborvitae, and it is easy to see why. The arborvitae is very tough and will flourish, revealing a deep green color when almost no other evergreen will do so. As a result, the arborvitae has become a very popular tree with gardeners and garden sculptors looking to infuse an area with an artistic touch year round.

Privacy Benefits

Another benefit of the rich and full looking arborvitae is that it can be a great tree for providing privacy. The fact that the arborvitae has thick branches and is an evergreen means that it can provide year round privacy and shade when strategically placed.